
Monday, December 9, 2013

Adjustment Time

We are in Thailand!  We arrived about midnight on December 4th and greeted at the airport by Chris Barbee and Life Mejudhon, but there is a story before we saw them.  So, we got through customs, retrieved our bags and heeded out toward the pick up area to find our ride.  Once outside we began to search the crowd for Chris, but could not find him.  We decided to have Pam, Noah and Hannah Grace stay stationary while I went in search for Chris.  I had walked about 10 yards when this Thai man walks beside me saying,  "Taxi, taxi, taxi, cheap, cheap".  I said, "no thank you", but he kept on, "taxi, taxi, cheap, cheap".  Then I said," no, I have a free ride".  He said, "taxi, nice, cheap".  I continued to walk and by now he was holding my sleeve continuing his dialogue.  I thought, this guy is persistent.  Just then I heard Chris and looked behind me to see him laughing.  It was Pastor Life playing a joke on me. He is aware payback is coming.
We were brought back to the church where they had our apartment waiting for us.  They had worked hard to make sure it was ready and clean.  We have everything we need and are adjusting to the differences from home.

These are a few pictures from our street and the rooftop of the church.  
Sunrise from the church roof

This is our Soi (Street)

We feel very blessed and fortunate to be here in Thailand.  We have already been very busy getting around the city accompanied by Chris and Pastor Life.  We have been on the sky train and walked to the market by ourselves without any major issues!  We were able to attend two services Sunday where Life delivered a wonderful message on the Christmas story, one in English and one in Thai.  The people at the Muang Thai Church, where we are living, came up and greeted us graciously.  They are so grateful for the many of you who have supported and are praying for us and for the Thai people and the Church.  We hope you know it is because of you we can be part of God's work here in Thailand.  We have uploaded many pictures on Facebook and will continue to blog with updates.  Again we thank you and love you.  Please keep our family and the Thai people in your heart and prayers. 

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