
Monday, April 8, 2013

Send me out.

John 20:21 Peace be with you.  As the Father has sent me, even so I am sending you~ Jesus

The Lord has called us to go.  To go the the ends of the earth, to the other side of the world, to bring his light to a world that does not know him.  We have been given an opportunity to serve Christ in Thailand, alongside another beautiful couple, the Barbees, from The Mission Society and with Thai Christians to make relationships with Thai children and youth to be a witness to our Father.  The journey to get to this point has not been easy, in fact during each step the challenges have been greater; but, the Lord is faithful and he walks us through this path, holding us and loving us.  We are now in complete faith that the Lord will use us for his glory and are saying yes to his call.

Todd, myself, Noah and Hannah Grace plan to board a plane to Thailand this Fall, leaving many of our comforts we take for granted behind.  Sidney and Ashley will remain in the States to finish college and will join us on breaks and the summers as they can.

We go because Christ has put this call on our lives, to love kids in the name of Jesus.  To be his hands and feet and shine a light in a Buddhist nation. Our mission is to serve as volunteer English teachers in the Thai schools near Roi Et, Thailand.  This will provide us the opportunity to meet and develop relationships with the students and be able to be the witness and example Christ asks us to be.  Our commitment is to serve five years in the field, with the first 6-9 months in language school in Bangkok.  Our plans will then be to move 7 hours north east of Bangkok and live in the rural community where the school is located.

In Thailand 96% of the population is Buddhist, only 1% Christian.  Human trafficking and forced labor are issues in the country.  Our prayer is that Christ will use us as an example of love and that through him the Thai people can see hope through the darkness.  We have faith that God will use us to his glory.

We need your prayers and support.  If you can pray for us-please do.  If you can help us financially-please do.  We cannot do this alone and need partners in this ministry. We have 55% of the funding needed to leave and need your support.

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